Thursday, October 21, 2010

The MARBLE Jar!!

We are always looking for new incentives to use with Cooper!!  He loves to challenge mom and dad!!!  So, my sister saw this idea in a magazine and has been using it with her 4 little ones and we decided to give it a try at the Tabor house!!  We got a jar, Cooper painted a monkey for decoration and we used puff paint for his name.  We also got some marbles too.  He gets to put marbles in his jar for going to bed without fussing, cleaning up his toys, doing little chores around the house, helping a friend, ect.  We decide how many marbles he gets to put in & he can also lose marbles for making bad choices!  We start with 40 marbles in a baggie & once all marbles are into the jar, we get to either go to the store to pick out a prize (which cannot be over $10), or he can choose to go get ice cream or a special date with mom or dad! 
So, here is Cooper right after he had filled his marble jar for the first time!! He was so excited to go with mommy to pick out a prize!!! Way to go Cooper!!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Quinn is 10 Months old!!!!

Quinn turned 10 months on Oct. 8th.  I can't believe how big he has gotten & so fast too!!  He is not walking yet, but is REALLY wanting to.  He thinks he is so big when he lets go of things to stand on his own and just smiles so big!!  He is also trying to talk and makes new sounds everyday.  He says momma A LOT.  He can also say nana, mimi, night night, and dada!!  I am sure he has a lot to tell us and I have a feeling it won't be too long before he can!  We all just love our sweet, happy baby boy!  He is such a snuggler and and lover!!  We went outside to take a few pics for the big day!!

 Happy 10 months!!!

So big standing all by himself!
I love this one with his hair blowing in the wind & his blue eyes!
 Such a happy baby!!
 Big brother had to join in the picture fun too!

Cooper just loves his brother so much!


Monday Night Football - October 4

Matt promised Cooper that he would make a fire in the chiminea and watch Monday Night Football outside.  Cooper was so excited and talked about it all day long!  He had a blast staying up late and hanging out with daddy outside and watching the game! 

 Aren't they cute!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lunch Outside!

While playing outside, Cooper & his buddy Payton asked if they could have a picnic lunch outside because it was such a beautiful day!  So, I said of course, and after a discussion of places to eat like on the picnic table, on a blanket on the grass, they decided to eat on the top of the swing set by the slide! 
They both thought it was pretty neat to be able to eat outside!!

Tabor Family Blog!!!

Welcome to the First Tabor Family Blog!!  I have a few friends who have started blogs for their families and I've enjoyed reading them so much that I have decided to start one of my own!!  This will be a great way to keep up with the latest happenings with Cooper, Quinn, Matt, and myself!  Stay tuned!!!