Saturday, March 19, 2011

Too Many Toys!!

Cooper absolutely loves books & one of his favorites is Too Many Toys by David Shannon.  It is about a little boy named Spencer who has so many toys & how the house is being over taken by them.  His mom has had enough!!  She gives him a box & tells him to fill it with toys he no longer wants.  They go round & round about which toys to give up & she leaves him to fill the rest of the box by himself.  She goes upstairs to collect the box & finds that all of the toys that were in the box are thrown out on the floor in the hallway.  She yells & says to Spencer she thought they had a deal & he replies that she was right & that he could get rid of some toys but not the box because it is the greatest toy ever!  She walks into his room to find that Spencer was sitting in the box & had decorated the box to be a Rocket ship!  Well, Cooper thought that maybe we could make a rocket like Spencer!  So, we made some calls to Papa & Daddy to see if they could find a box to bring over.  Papa came to the rescue & delivered the perfect box about an hour later!  So, mommy & Cooper set to work on his rocket!  Meanwhile, Daddy comes home with another box & had big plans for what he wanted the rocket to look like!  Then, it became a competition between Mommy & Daddy!!  We had tons of fun making them together & Cooper was thrilled with the results & getting 2 completely different rockets!! 
Here are the final products...

Mommy & Cooper's Rocket!!

Daddy's Rocket!

Another pic of Daddy's Rocket!


Cooper is old enough this year to play Toddler T-Ball through the YMCA!  He is officially signed up & ready to play starting May 1st!  Games will be played on Sunday evenings and they will even have practice one night a week on Tuesday's!  He will know most of the kids on his team, which will be so great!  His cousins Ryder, Logan & buddies Payton & Lincoln are on the team & Uncle's Todd & Craig will be coaching them all!!  He is so excited about playing that insists he go out in the backyard & practice daily with his tee and bat!  He has a pretty good arm on him & can really crank the ball!!  I think the adults may be a bit more excited for the games to begin & to watch our little ones attempt to play on the big baseball field!  We have lots of predictions as to who will be doing what on the field!  Look for more updates in the next few months on how the t-ball team is going!

Little brother, Quinn, has been watching big brother & had to have a try too!!