Saturday, December 17, 2011

North Pole Breakfast

Fred, our friendly elf, made his first appearance earlier this month, & to celebrate we had our very first ever North Pole Breakfast!!

He wrote letters to the boys...
And brought a little treat!  Warm socks to keep those piggy toes warm!
There's that sneaky elf!
 Snow covered donuts & teeny tiny kisses from Rudolph & the other reindeer!!
 Hot cocoa, too!!
My sweet little reindeer feet!!
The boys thought it was so neat that Fred brought them breakfast & they have been having fun searching for Fred each day as he returns from the North Pole!  We are excited to make this a yearly tradition for the boys!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Let's Try This Again!

Hey there!  I have been thinking about this blog for a while now & really having the best intentions of blogging more often!  So, after finally getting back on here & realizing that the last time I posted was in March & it is now December, only 9 months later!!  A lot has happened in these past 9 months!  We have had a crazy, busy, emotional year & I am going to try to give you a peek at some of the things that have been going on!
So, here goes...

 The Family at Easter 2011

Cooper's 1st Royals Game!  He loved it!!  Especially the fireworks after!

"Official" Royals Fan!!
 4th of July - Coop's favorite:Parachutes!!
 Quinn in his 4th of July shirt!  He wasn't too fond of the fireworks this year!!
 My little fish!  We couldn't get him out of the water all summer!!
 Q splashing with his bucket! He had more fun playing around the pool than in it!
 Fishing fun!!
 Quinn thought fishing was fun too!!

Mini Golfing at Cool Crest is a summertime must!  Where did that ball go??!!

1st Day of Daycare @ Cathedral ECC!  Their faces tell exactly how they each felt about this new transition!  Cooper absolutely loves "school" & Quinn has learned to "like" daycare!  It took him a few months before he did not cry at drop off!
 Ready for some Cardinal Football!!  Daddy's biggest fans!  :)
 LB Carnival

Daddy & Cooper on the Ferris Wheel!  Daddy was terrified & Cooper thought it was great!  That child has no fear at all!

What a big boy!

Coop & his rocket boosters!
 We had tons of fun making these!  Cooper thought he was so fast!

Sweet boy!
Hayride at the Pumpkin Patch
Fall Fun!

We clean up pretty good! :)

Cooper as "Jake" the Pirate!
Quinn as "Cubby" the Pirate!
Happy Halloween!

My big 4 year old!! 
Yummy cupcakes & chocolate legos!
Pin the Smile on the Lego Man!
Big Wheel!

Quinn's 2nd Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Big 2 year old!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Too Many Toys!!

Cooper absolutely loves books & one of his favorites is Too Many Toys by David Shannon.  It is about a little boy named Spencer who has so many toys & how the house is being over taken by them.  His mom has had enough!!  She gives him a box & tells him to fill it with toys he no longer wants.  They go round & round about which toys to give up & she leaves him to fill the rest of the box by himself.  She goes upstairs to collect the box & finds that all of the toys that were in the box are thrown out on the floor in the hallway.  She yells & says to Spencer she thought they had a deal & he replies that she was right & that he could get rid of some toys but not the box because it is the greatest toy ever!  She walks into his room to find that Spencer was sitting in the box & had decorated the box to be a Rocket ship!  Well, Cooper thought that maybe we could make a rocket like Spencer!  So, we made some calls to Papa & Daddy to see if they could find a box to bring over.  Papa came to the rescue & delivered the perfect box about an hour later!  So, mommy & Cooper set to work on his rocket!  Meanwhile, Daddy comes home with another box & had big plans for what he wanted the rocket to look like!  Then, it became a competition between Mommy & Daddy!!  We had tons of fun making them together & Cooper was thrilled with the results & getting 2 completely different rockets!! 
Here are the final products...

Mommy & Cooper's Rocket!!

Daddy's Rocket!

Another pic of Daddy's Rocket!